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来源:互联网 作者:小龙 时间:2011-03-04 Tag: 点击:

Rh immunoglobulin


用于预防新生儿溶血症。Rh阴性的母亲娩出第一胎Rh阳性的胎儿,则在分娩的过程中,Rh阳性胎儿的红细胞进入Rh阴性的母体,刺激母体产生IgG型抗Rh抗体。若下次怀有Rh阳性胎儿时,这种抗体可经胎盘进入胎儿,有可能会引起新生儿溶血症。如果在第一胎Rh+胎儿娩出后72小时内,给Rh阴性母体肌肉注射300~400 微克(μg) Rh免疫球蛋白,能阻止胎儿 Rh阳性红细胞对母体的致敏作用,可预防下一胎Rh阳性的新生儿溶血症。Rh免疫球蛋白对已产生Rh抗体的母体无明显预防效果。另外,Rh阴性母亲怀Rh阳性胎儿,即使未足月流产,在流产后也应同样处理。因Rh阳性胎儿在胚龄2个月左右就出现Rh阳性红细胞,这种胎儿血液只要0.1~0.25毫升进入母体即能致敏,所以小产或人工流产后都应考虑Rh致敏的预防。

It has been estimated that with the use of Rho(D) Immune Globulin treatment, perinatal mortality of about 10,000 cases per year in the United States alone is avoided.


Rhesus blood type was first discovered in 1937 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Wiener.


In 1939 Philip Levine and Rufus E. Stetson published their findings about a family who had a stillborn baby who died of hemolytic disease of the newborn. The mother was aged 25 and it was her second pregnancy and she suffered blood loss at the delivery. Both parents were blood group O and the husband's blood was used to give the mother a blood transfusion, but the mother suffered a severe transfusion reaction. They investigated this transfusion reaction. Since the mother and the father were both blood group O, they concluded that there must be a previously undiscovered blood group antigen that was present on the husband's RBCs but was not present on the mother's RBCs and that the mother had formed antibodies against the new blood group antigen. This suggested for the first time that a mother could make blood group antibodies because of immune sensitization to her fetus's RBCs. They did not name this blood group antigen, but it was subsequently found to be the Rhesus factor.


The first treatment for Rh disease was an exchange transfusion, which was invented by Dr. Alexander S. Wiener. That procedure was further refined by Dr, Harry Wallerstein, a transfusionist. Although the most effective method of treating the problem at the time, it was only partially ameliorative in cases where damage to the neonate had already been done. Children with severe motor damage and/or retardation could result. However, it is estimated that in the two decades it was used approximately 200,000 lives were saved, and the great majority were not brain damaged.


Ronald Finn, in Liverpool, England applied a microscopic technique for detecting fetal cells in the mother's blood. It led him to propose that the disease might be prevented by injecting the at-risk mother with an antibody against fetal red blood cells. He proposed this for the first time to the public on February 18, 1960. A few months later, he proposed at a meeting of the British Genetical Society that the antibody be anti-RhD.


Nearly simultaneously with him, William Pollack, then of Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, and researchers John Gorman and Vincent Freda of New York City's Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, having come to the same realization, set out to prove it by injecting a group of male prisoners at Sing Sing Correctional Facility with antibody provided by Ortho, obtained by a fractionation technique developed by Dr Pollack (who also provided Dr. Finn with several vials of antibody during a visit by Dr. Finn to Ortho). It is the RhoGAM®

几乎与他同时,威廉•波拉克,接着奥索制药公司,研究人员约翰•戈尔曼和来自纽约哥伦比亚长老会医疗中心的文森特•弗雷达,他们都意识到了这一点,通过给一组在Sing Sing Correctional Facility的一组囚犯注射一种抗体来证明,该抗体是由奥索提供的,它是由波拉克博士(他也在一次对奥索的访问中提供给芬恩博士几瓶抗体)通过分离技术得到的,这就是罗加姆,即Rho(D)免疫球蛋白制剂的商品名。

Animal studies had previously been conducted by William Pollack, using a rabbit model of Rh. This model, named the rabbit HgA-F system, was a perfect animal model of human Rh, and enabled Dr. Pollack's team to gain experience in preventing hemolytic disease in rabbits by giving specific HgA antibody, as was later done with Rh-negative mothers. One of the needs was a dosing experiment that could be used to determine the level of circulating Rh-positive cells in an Rh-negative pregnant female derived from her Rh-positive fetus. This was first done in the rabbit system, but subsequent human tests at the University of Manitoba conducted under Dr. Pollack's direction confirmed that this result matched the human dosing perfectly. The dose is 20 µG of antibody for 1mL of Rh-positive red cells.


Sir William Liley performed the first successful intrauterine transfusion in 1963.


Dr. Gorman's sister-in-law was the first at risk woman to receive a prophylactic injection on January 31, 1964. Clinical trials set up by Dr. Pollack in 42 clinical centers in the US, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and Australia confirmed their hypothesis, and the vaccine was finally approved in England and the United States in 1968. The FDA approved the drug under the name RhoGAM, with a fixed dose of 300 µG, to be given within three days postpartum. There being no known harm done by delaying the dosage for a week or more after birth, Ortho asked the FDA to grant permission for it to be given without a postpartum time restriction. In addition, Dr. John M. Bowman, one of the researchers at the University of Manitoba, and Dr Freda pushed to allow antepartum use. All of this was subsequently granted. Within a year or so, the antibody had been injected with great success into more than 500,000 women. Time magazine picked it as one of the top ten medical achievements of the 1960s. By 1973, it was estimated that in the US alone, over 50,000 babies' lives had been saved. The use of Rh immune globulin to prevent the disease in babies of Rh negative mothers has become standard practice, and the disease, which used to claim the lives of 10,000 babies each year in the US alone, has been virtually eradicated in the developed world. In 1980 Drs. Pollack, Gorman, Freda, and Finn shared the Albert Lasker Award for their work on Rh disease.

1964年1月31日,戈尔曼博士妻子的妹妹(或姐姐)是第一个处在危险中的接受预防注射的女人。波拉克博士在美国,大不列颠,德国,瑞典,意大利,澳大利亚的42所临床中心设立了临床试验,并证实了他的猜想,1968年终于在英国和美国批准生产疫苗。美国食品及药品管理局认可这种药物的名字是罗加姆(RhoGAM),在产后的三天内,可给予300微克的剂量。拖延产后一个周或更多时间,剂量不会产生危害。奥索要求美国食品及药品管理局授权该药品,无产后时间限制的规定。另外,曼尼托巴大学的研究院之一约翰M •鲍曼博士和弗里达博士敦促该允许该药物产前使用。随后这些要求都被允许了。短短一年多的时间里,这些抗体被成功注射到500,000多名妇女身上。时代杂志把它作为20世纪60年代十大最高医学成就之一。到1973年,据估计,仅在美国,超过50,000名婴儿生命被挽救。使用Rh免疫球蛋白来预防在Rh阴性血型的母亲的胎儿的疾病,成为一种常规做法,这种曾经仅在美国每年夺走10,000名婴儿生命的疾病,在发达国家几乎被摧毁了。1980年,博士波拉克,戈尔曼,弗里达,芬恩由于他们在Rh疾病上的工作分享了亚伯雷斯克奖。

Two of the Canadian researchers from the University of Manitoba, Dr. Bruce Chown and Dr. John M. Bowman, licensed a version of the vaccine, known as WinRho SD, in 1980. The drug is sold in 35 countries by the Manitoba-based research firm Cangene, listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange with worth of about $175 million. Cangene was purchased by the Winnipeg Rh Institute, a facility founded by Chown and Bowman and dedicated to conducting research into blood related diseases. Dr. Chown is honored by the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame for his lifelong work with erythroblastosis fetalis.


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